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We're now in the beta-testing phase for the RDA Groups feature. This is the point where we need your help! You can choose to get involved by testing the update and then reporting your feedback using the UserSnap tool found on 'groups' pages.

Research Data Alliance Historical Groups are those which have completed their intended activities or discussions, and have ceased active participation within the RDA community. These groups are no longer operational or actively contributing to ongoing RDA initiatives.

Historical groups typically include Working Groups (WGs) or Interest Groups (IGs) that have fulfilled their objectives, delivered their final Recommendations and Outputs, or have become inactive due to lack of continued engagement or change in focus.

While Historical groups are no longer active, their Recommendations and Outputs remain accessible within the RDA archives for reference and historical purposes. They serve as a repository of past initiatives and achievements within the RDA community, providing valuable insights into previous collaborative efforts and outcomes in the field of research data management and sharing.